Could anyone please suggest me how to convert date from this 1387843200000
format into this 24/12/2013
inside my controller?
Just FYI my dates are stored in this way & when binding to edit form with
input type="date"
field is not being populated at all.
app.controller("EditCtrl", [ "$scope", "$filter", "db" function ($scope, $filter, db){
// this gets me an item object
var item = db.readItem();
// item date = 1387843200000
// this returns undefined = $filter('date')(date[, "dd/MM/yyyy"]);
Edit.html - template
<form name="editForm" class="form-validate">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="date">Event date.</label>
<input type="date" class="form-control" ng-model="" id="date" required />
<a href="#/" class="btn btn-danger ">Cancel</a>
<button id="addEvent" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" ng-disabled="isClean() || editForm.$invalid" ng-click="saveEvent()">Save event.</button>
Answer = $filter('date')(, "dd/MM/yyyy"); // for conversion to string
But if you are using HTML5 type="date" then the ISO format yyyy-MM-dd MUST be used.
item.dateAsString = $filter('date')(, "yyyy-MM-dd"); // for type="date" binding
<input type="date" ng-model="item.dateAsString" value="{{ item.dateAsString }}" pattern="dd/MM/YYYY"/>
NOTE: use of pattern="" with type="date" looks non-standard, but it appears to work in the expected way in Chrome 31.