Not able to Scrape data using BeautifulSoup

ghz 13hours ago ⋅ 2 views

I'm using Selenium to login to the webpage and getting the webpage for scraping I'm able to get the page. I have searched the html for a table that I wanted to scrape. here it is:-

<table cellspacing="0" class=" tablehasmenu table hoverable sensors" id="table_devicesensortable">

This is the script :-

rawpage=driver.page_source #storing the webpage in variable
souppage=BeautifulSoup(rawpage,'html.parser') #parsing the webpage
tbody=souppage.find('table', attrs={'id':'table_devicesensortable'}) #scrapping

I'm able to get the parsed webpage in souppage variable. but not able to scrape and store in tbody variable.


It seems you're trying to scrape a table with a specific ID using BeautifulSoup and Selenium, but there may be a couple of reasons why tbody is not being assigned correctly. Let's troubleshoot and improve the code step by step.

1. Check if the table is loaded correctly

Sometimes, the content may be rendered dynamically by JavaScript, so even after Selenium has loaded the page, the table might not be present in the page source immediately. To handle this, you can add a WebDriverWait to ensure the table is fully loaded before trying to scrape it.

2. Look for the tbody element

The issue could be that you're directly looking for the table element, but you need to specifically grab the tbody inside the table.

Here’s how you can improve your scraping logic:

Updated Code

from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Assuming you have already logged in and loaded the page
driver = webdriver.Chrome()  # Or your preferred browser driver
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)

# Wait for the table to be fully rendered
table = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "table_devicesensortable")))

# Get the page source once the table is loaded
rawpage = driver.page_source

# Parse the page source using BeautifulSoup
souppage = BeautifulSoup(rawpage, 'html.parser')

# Find the table by its ID
table = souppage.find('table', attrs={'id': 'table_devicesensortable'})

# Now look for the tbody element inside the table
tbody = table.find('tbody')

if tbody:
    print("Table body found!")
    rows = tbody.find_all('tr')  # Get all rows in the table body
    for row in rows:
        cells = row.find_all('td')  # Get all columns in each row
        # Now you can process your cells
        print([cell.text for cell in cells])  # Example: print cell text
    print("No tbody found in the table.")

Breakdown of the Code:

  1. Wait for the table to load: We use WebDriverWait and EC.presence_of_element_located() to wait until the table with the specific ID is fully loaded.

  2. Get the page_source: Once the table is loaded, we get the full page source with driver.page_source.

  3. Parse with BeautifulSoup: The page source is parsed with BeautifulSoup.

  4. Find the table by ID: We look for the <table> element with the ID table_devicesensortable and get the tbody element within the table.

  5. Process the table rows: If the tbody exists, we find all <tr> rows within it and then extract each <td> (column) in those rows.

Why This Approach Works:

  • Waiting for the element: Dynamic content (like tables) may take some time to load after the page is accessed, so waiting for the table to be present ensures the content is ready for scraping.
  • Targeting the tbody: The table body (<tbody>) contains the actual rows, so we need to target it specifically to scrape the table rows and columns.

Debugging Tips:

  • Check the page source: You can print out rawpage or save it to a file to manually inspect the HTML structure and ensure the table exists as expected.
  • Check if the table is inside an iframe: If the table is inside an iframe, you need to switch the Selenium driver context to that iframe before scraping.
  • Check for dynamic loading: If the table is rendered via JavaScript after the initial page load, you may need to wait for the table to load or ensure it's visible using EC.visibility_of_element_located().

Example: Debugging with Raw Page

You can print or save the rawpage to a file for debugging:

# Save raw page for debugging
with open('debug.html', 'w') as f:

This will allow you to open the page in a browser and inspect the HTML manually.

Let me know if this helps! If the issue persists, feel free to provide more details about the table structure or any other errors you encounter.