python, subprocess: launch new process when one (in a group) has terminated
I have n files to analyze separately and independently of each other with the same Python script
. In a wrapper script,
, I loop over those files and call
as a separate process with subprocess.Popen
for a_file in all_files:
command = "python %s" % a_file
analysis_process = subprocess.Popen(
Now, I would like to use all the k CPU cores of my machine in order to speed up the whole analysis. Is there a way to always have k-1
running processes as long as there are files to analyze?
Yes, you can use Python's concurrent.futures
module or manage the processes manually to achieve parallelism and ensure that at any point there are at most k-1
processes running simultaneously.
Here’s how you can do it:
1. Use concurrent.futures
with ProcessPoolExecutor
The concurrent.futures
module simplifies managing parallel processes and provides easy-to-use methods for managing a pool of worker processes. The ProcessPoolExecutor
will handle creating processes, and it will ensure that no more than k-1
processes run concurrently.
Here's how you can modify your
to use ProcessPoolExecutor
import subprocess
import shlex
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
# Define a function that runs the analysis
def run_analysis(a_file):
command = "python %s" % a_file
analysis_process = subprocess.Popen(
stdout, stderr = analysis_process.communicate() # Wait for the process to complete and capture output
return stdout, stderr
# List of all files to process
all_files = [...] # Your list of files here
# Set the number of workers to be k-1 (for example, 4 CPU cores means 3 workers)
k = 4 # Set to the number of cores you want to use
max_workers = k - 1
# Use ProcessPoolExecutor to parallelize the process
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(run_analysis, a_file) for a_file in all_files]
for future in as_completed(futures):
stdout, stderr = future.result()
# Process the output from each analysis
print(stdout.decode()) # Print or handle stdout as needed
if stderr:
print(stderr.decode()) # Handle errors if any
:- This is the key part that allows you to easily manage parallel processes. By setting
, we ensure that onlyk-1
processes run concurrently.
- This is the key part that allows you to easily manage parallel processes. By setting
executor.submit(run_analysis, a_file)
:- This submits each file to be processed by a separate worker process. The
function handles running the subprocess for each file.
- This submits each file to be processed by a separate worker process. The
:- This returns futures as they complete. It ensures that you can collect the results or handle errors as each process finishes.
Subprocess Management:
- The
script with the given file and captures its output (stdout
). analysis_process.communicate()
ensures that the main process waits for the child process to finish and retrieves its output.
- The
2. Manual Process Management with a Queue:
If you prefer more fine-grained control over process management, you can use a Queue
to manage processes manually and ensure that no more than k-1
processes are running concurrently. Here's an example:
import subprocess
import shlex
import os
from queue import Queue
from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count
# Function to run a single analysis
def run_analysis(a_file, queue):
command = f"python {a_file}"
analysis_process = subprocess.Popen(
stdout, stderr = analysis_process.communicate()
queue.put((stdout, stderr)) # Place results in the queue
def main():
all_files = [...] # List of all files to process
# Set number of workers to be k-1 (for example, 4 cores -> 3 workers)
k = 4 # Number of cores you want to use
num_workers = k - 1
queue = Queue()
processes = []
# Create worker processes
for a_file in all_files:
if len(processes) >= num_workers:
# Wait for the first process to finish before continuing
for p in processes:
processes = [] # Reset the process list
# Create a new process for each file
process = Process(target=run_analysis, args=(a_file, queue))
# Ensure all remaining processes are joined after the loop
for p in processes:
# Collect results from the queue
while not queue.empty():
stdout, stderr = queue.get()
print(stdout.decode()) # Process stdout
if stderr:
print(stderr.decode()) # Process stderr
if __name__ == '__main__':
Key Points:
Queue: The
is used to store the results of each process. Each worker process adds its output (stdout
) to the queue after completion. -
Process Management: We ensure that no more than
processes are running at once by checking the length of theprocesses
list and waiting (join()
) for processes to finish when needed. -
Process Control: After starting a new process, we check if the number of running processes exceeds
and wait for some to finish before starting more.
Using ProcessPoolExecutor
is the simplest and most efficient approach if you're looking for parallel processing in Python. It manages processes and their results elegantly. However, if you need more control, you can manually manage processes with multiprocessing.Process
and a Queue
Both methods will allow you to run k-1
processes concurrently, ensuring efficient use of CPU cores.