How do I prevent a user from sending more than one message in a

ghz 11hours ago ⋅ 6 views

How do I prevent a user from sending more than one message in a channel?

User 1: Hello!
User 1: How are you?
User 2: I'm good.
User 2: hbu
User 3: hey guys!
User 1: i'm doing fine

I'm trying to delete the second message from User 1 and User 2, so that any user can only send a single message. I was told to use channel.history, but I can't think of a way to compare the author's of the messages to make sure they aren't the same person.

This is what I want: I want to prevent double posting:

User 1: Hello! How are you?
User 2: I'm good, hbu.
User 3: hey guys!
User 1: i'm doing fine

I just don't know how to use channel.history to do this.


To prevent double posting (i.e., a user sending multiple messages in a row) in a Discord channel using Python and, you can use channel.history to fetch the most recent messages in the channel and check if the last message was sent by the same user. If so, you can delete the second message and prevent the user from sending another one until another user posts.

Here's how you can implement this:


  1. Fetch recent messages using channel.history().
  2. Check if the user who sent the most recent message is the same as the user sending the new message.
  3. Delete the second message if it's from the same user.

Code Example:

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

# Set up the bot with a command prefix
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")

async def on_message(message):
    # Ignore the bot's own messages
    if == bot.user:

    # Fetch the last 2 messages from the channel
    async for msg in
        if ==
            # If the last message is from the same user, delete the current one
            await message.delete()
            return  # Exit the function after deleting the duplicate message

    # If no duplicate message is found, allow the message to be processed
    await bot.process_commands(message)

# Run the bot with your token"YOUR_TOKEN")


  1. on_message event: This event is triggered whenever a new message is sent in any of the channels the bot has access to. Inside this event, we:

    • Ignore the bot's own messages (if == bot.user: return).
    • Use channel.history(limit=2) to get the two most recent messages in the channel (including the current message).
  2. Check if the user has sent the previous message:

    • We iterate over the messages retrieved by channel.history(limit=2). If the author of the most recent message is the same as the author of the current message ( ==, then we delete the current message (await message.delete()).
  3. await bot.process_commands(message): This ensures that any commands (like !help or custom commands) still work, even if the message was not deleted.

How It Works:

  • If User 1 sends "Hello!", then User 1 sends another message "How are you?". The bot checks the last 2 messages, sees that the last message was also from User 1, and deletes the second message ("How are you?").

  • If User 2 sends a message after User 1, like "I'm good", then the bot doesn't delete it because User 1 was the last message sender.


  • Rate Limits: If you're deleting a lot of messages, make sure you aren't hitting rate limits. Discord allows bots to delete messages, but excessive deletes in a short time might result in temporary rate limiting.

  • Command Handling: The await bot.process_commands(message) is crucial for ensuring your bot still processes commands (like !ping) properly even when checking messages. If you don't have this, non-command messages could stop working altogether.

  • History Limit: By using limit=2, we're only fetching the last 2 messages (the most recent one and the one before it) to minimize the number of API calls. This can be increased if necessary (e.g., to check for a longer sequence of messages).


This script will effectively prevent users from posting multiple messages consecutively in a channel by checking the most recent messages in the channel and ensuring that no user sends more than one message in a row. If they do, the second message will be deleted.