How to join 3 tables in postgres sql?

ghz 8months ago ⋅ 72 views

I was solving Danny Ma's Pizza Runner SQL Case study. In one of the sections Pricing and Ratings, I got stuck in 2 questions and I'm unable to arrive at the right solution. Link to the case study:

[cleaned_customer_orders table](
[cleaned_runner_orders table](
[extras table](
CREATE TABLE customer_orders (  
  "order_id" INTEGER,  
  "customer_id" INTEGER,  
  "pizza_id" INTEGER,    
  "exclusions" VARCHAR(4),  
  "extras" VARCHAR(4),  
  "order_time" TIMESTAMP  

INSERT INTO customer_orders  
  ("order_id", "customer_id", "pizza_id", "exclusions", "extras", "order_time")  
  ('1', '101', '1', '', '', '2020-01-01 18:05:02'),  
  ('2', '101', '1', '', '', '2020-01-01 19:00:52'),  
  ('3', '102', '1', '', '', '2020-01-02 23:51:23'),  
  ('3', '102', '2', '', NULL, '2020-01-02 23:51:23'),  
  ('4', '103', '1', '4', '', '2020-01-04 13:23:46'),  
  ('4', '103', '1', '4', '', '2020-01-04 13:23:46'),  
  ('4', '103', '2', '4', '', '2020-01-04 13:23:46'),  
  ('5', '104', '1', 'null', '1', '2020-01-08 21:00:29'),  
  ('6', '101', '2', 'null', 'null', '2020-01-08 21:03:13'),  
  ('7', '105', '2', 'null', '1', '2020-01-08 21:20:29'),  
  ('8', '102', '1', 'null', 'null', '2020-01-09 23:54:33'),  
  ('9', '103', '1', '4', '1, 5', '2020-01-10 11:22:59'),  
  ('10', '104', '1', 'null', 'null', '2020-01-11 18:34:49'),  
  ('10', '104', '1', '2, 6', '1, 4', '2020-01-11 18:34:49');  

CREATE TABLE runner_orders (
  "order_id" INTEGER,
  "runner_id" INTEGER,
  "pickup_time" VARCHAR(19),
  "distance" VARCHAR(7),
  "duration" VARCHAR(10),
  "cancellation" VARCHAR(23)

INSERT INTO runner_orders
  ("order_id", "runner_id", "pickup_time", "distance", "duration", "cancellation")
  ('1', '1', '2020-01-01 18:15:34', '20km', '32 minutes', ''),
  ('2', '1', '2020-01-01 19:10:54', '20km', '27 minutes', ''),
  ('3', '1', '2020-01-03 00:12:37', '13.4km', '20 mins', NULL),
  ('4', '2', '2020-01-04 13:53:03', '23.4', '40', NULL),
  ('5', '3', '2020-01-08 21:10:57', '10', '15', NULL),
  ('6', '3', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'Restaurant Cancellation'),
  ('7', '2', '2020-01-08 21:30:45', '25km', '25mins', 'null'),
  ('8', '2', '2020-01-10 00:15:02', '23.4 km', '15 minute', 'null'),
  ('9', '2', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'Customer Cancellation'),
  ('10', '1', '2020-01-11 18:50:20', '10km', '10minutes', 'null');

select order_id, customer_id, pizza_id,
        when exclusions in ('null', '') then null
        else exclusions
    end as exclusions,
        when extras in ('null', '') then null
        else extras
    end as extras,
into cleaned_customer_orders
from customer_orders

        when pickup_time = 'null' then null
        else pickup_time
    end as timestamp) as pickup_time,
        when distance = 'null' then null
        else trim('km' from distance)
    end as float) as distance,
        when duration = 'null' then null
        else substring(duration, 1, 2)
    end as int)as duration,
        when cancellation in ('null', '') then null
        else cancellation
end as cancellation
into cleaned_runner_orders
from runner_orders;

select * from cleaned_customer_orders
select * from cleaned_runner_orders

alter table cleaned_customer_orders
add column record_id serial;

select * from cleaned_customer_orders;

-- to generate extras table
    trim(e.value) as topping_id
into extras
    cleaned_customer_orders as cco
    cross join lateral unnest(string_to_array(cco.extras, ',')) as e(value);

Q1. Query

    sum(case when cco.pizza_id = 1 then 12 else 10 end) as pizza_cost  
from cleaned_customer_orders cco  
join pizza_names pn on pn.pizza_id = cco.pizza_id  
join cleaned_runner_orders cro on cro.order_id = cco.order_id  
where cro.cancellation is null  

Q2. Query

with cte_extras_cost as (select  
    sum(case when pn.pizza_id = 1 then 12 else 10 end) as pizza_cost,  
    count (e.topping_id)*1 as extras_cost  
    from cleaned_customer_orders cco  
    join pizza_names pn on pn.pizza_id = cco.pizza_id  
    left join extras e on e.record_id = cco.record_id  
    join cleaned_runner_orders cro on cro.order_id = cco.order_id  
    where cro.cancellation is null)  
select pizza_cost, coalesce(extras_cost, 0) as extras_cost, (pizza_cost+coalesce(extras_cost, 0))  
 as total_cost  
from cte_extras_cost;  

Q5. Query

with cte as (  
    sum(cro.distance*0.30) as delivery_cost,  
    sum(case when cco.pizza_id = 1 then 12 else 10 end) as total_cost  
from cleaned_runner_orders cro  
join cleaned_customer_orders cco on cro.order_id = cco.order_id  
where cro.cancellation is null)  
select cte.total_cost, cte.delivery_cost, (cte.total_cost - cte.delivery_cost) as actual_cost  
from cte  

My output: Q1. 138 Q2. pizza_cost=150, extras_cost=4, total_cost=154 Q5. total_cost=138, delivery_cost=64, actual_cost=73

The correct answers are Q1. 138 Q2. pizza_cost=138, extras_cost=4, total_cost=142 Q5. total_cost=138, delivery_cost=43, actual_cost=94


Let's go through the questions one by one and identify the issues in your queries.

Q1. Query:

    sum(case when cco.pizza_id = 1 then 12 else 10 end) as pizza_cost  
from cleaned_customer_orders cco  
join pizza_names pn on pn.pizza_id = cco.pizza_id  
join cleaned_runner_orders cro on cro.order_id = cco.order_id  
where cro.cancellation is null

This query calculates the total cost of pizzas. There doesn't seem to be any reference to the 'pizza_names' table, and it's not clear where the pizza prices are coming from. Assuming that pizza_id directly correlates with pizza cost, the logic to calculate the total pizza cost seems correct.

Q2. Query:

with cte_extras_cost as (
        sum(case when pn.pizza_id = 1 then 12 else 10 end) as pizza_cost,  
        count(e.topping_id)*1 as extras_cost  
    from cleaned_customer_orders cco  
    join pizza_names pn on pn.pizza_id = cco.pizza_id  
    left join extras e on e.record_id = cco.record_id  
    join cleaned_runner_orders cro on cro.order_id = cco.order_id  
    where cro.cancellation is null
    coalesce(extras_cost, 0) as extras_cost, 
    (pizza_cost + coalesce(extras_cost, 0)) as total_cost  
from cte_extras_cost;

In this query, the pizza cost calculation logic seems correct. However, the extras cost calculation logic doesn't look accurate. You're counting the number of toppings and multiplying it by 1, which doesn't seem right. Instead, you should sum up the prices of the toppings. Assuming each topping has a price, you should join with the 'toppings' table (which is not provided in your data) and sum up the prices.

Q5. Query:

with cte as (
        sum(cro.distance * 0.30) as delivery_cost,  
        sum(case when cco.pizza_id = 1 then 12 else 10 end) as total_cost  
    from cleaned_runner_orders cro  
    join cleaned_customer_orders cco on cro.order_id = cco.order_id  
    where cro.cancellation is null
    (cte.total_cost - cte.delivery_cost) as actual_cost  
from cte;

In this query, the logic to calculate the delivery cost seems correct. However, the total cost calculation logic seems to be similar to Q1, which doesn't seem right according to the expected output. You might need to review the calculation of the total cost.

For Q2 and Q5, you need additional information about the toppings' prices and more clarification on how to calculate the total cost. Once you have that information, you can adjust your queries accordingly.