Is sort
in Ruby stable? That is, for elements that are in a tie for sort
is the relative order among them preserved from the original order? For
example, given:
a = [
{id: :a, int: 3},
{id: :b, int: 1},
{id: :c, int: 2},
{id: :d, int: 0},
{id: :e, int: 1},
{id: :f, int: 0},
{id: :g, int: 1},
{id: :h, int: 2},
is it guaranteed that we always get for
a.sort_by{|h| h[:int]}
the following
{id: :d, int: 0},
{id: :f, int: 0},
{id: :b, int: 1},
{id: :e, int: 1},
{id: :g, int: 1},
{id: :c, int: 2},
{id: :h, int: 2},
{id: :a, int: 3},
without any variation for the relative order among the elements with the :id
value :d
, :f
, and among :b
, :e
, :g
, and among :c
, :h
? If that is
the case, where in the documentation is it described?
This question may or may not have connection with this question.
Both MRI's [sort](http://ruby- and [sort_by](http://ruby- are unstable. Some time ago there was a request to make them stable, but it was rejected. The reason: Ruby uses an in-place quicksort algorithm, which performs better if stability is not required. Note that you can still implement stable methods from unstable ones:
module Enumerable
def stable_sort_by
sort_by.with_index { |x, idx| [yield(x), idx] }