The main question - is it possible? I tried with no luck..
main app.js
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['services']);
app.config(['customProvider', function (customProvider) {
provider itself
var services = angular.module('services', []);
services.provider('custom', function ($http) {
And I've got such error:
Uncaught Error: Unknown provider: $http from services
Any ideas?
The bottom line is:
- You CANNOT inject a service into the provider configuration section.
- You CAN inject a service into the section which initializes the provider's service.
Angular framework has a 2 phase initialization process:
PHASE 1: Config
During the config
phase all of the providers are initialized and all of the
sections are executed. The config
sections may contain code which
configures the provider objects and therefore they can be injected with
provider objects. However, since the providers are the factories for the
service objects and at this stage the providers are not fully
initialized/configured -> you cannot ask the provider to create a service
for you at this stage - > at the configuration stage you cannot use/inject
services. When this phase is completed all of the providers are ready (no
more provider configuration can be done after the configuration phase is
PHASE 2: Run
During run
phase all the run
sections are executed. At this stage the
providers are ready and can create services - > during run
phase you can
use/inject services.
1. Injecting the $http
service to the provider initialization function
//ERRONEOUS angular.module('myModule').provider('myProvider', function($http) { // SECTION 1: code to initialize/configure the PROVIDER goes here
(executed during
phase) ...this.$get = function() { // code to initialize/configure the SERVICE goes here (executed
stage)return myService; }; });
Since we are trying to inject the $http
service into a function which is
executed during the config
phase we will get an error:
Uncaught Error: Unknown provider: $http from services
What this error is actually saying is that the $httpProvider
which is used
to create the $http
service is not ready yet (since we are still in the
2. Injecting the $http
service to the service initialization function
WILL work:
angular.module('myModule').provider('myProvider', function() {
// SECTION 1: code to initialize/configure the PROVIDER goes here (executed during `config` phase)
this.$get = function($http) {
// code to initialize/configure the SERVICE goes here (executed during `run` stage)
return myService;
Since we are now injecting the service into the service initialization
function, which is executed during run
phase this code will work.