I am looking over this website but just can't seem to figure out how to do this as it's not working. I need to check if the current site user is logged in (authenticated), and am trying:
despite being sure that the user is logged in, it returns just:
I'm able to do other requests (from the first section in the url above), such as:
which returns a successful response.
Update for Django 2.0 and later
is an attribute
if request.user.is_authenticated:
# do something if the user is authenticated
For Django 1.9 and older
was a function. Called like:
if request.user.is_authenticated():
# do something if the user is authenticated
As Peter Rowell pointed out, what may be tripping you up is that in the default Django template language, you don't tack on parenthesis to call functions. So you may have seen something like this in template code:
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
However, in Python code, it is indeed a method in the User
NB: The method was removed in Django 2.0.