[I have posted this at the Django users | Google Groups also.]
Using the example in the [inline formset docs]( formsets), I am able to edit objects belonging a particular model (using modelforms). I have been trying to follow the same pattern for creating new objects using inline formsets, but have been unable to clear my head enough to bring out a working view for this purpose.
Using the same example as in the above link, how would I go about creating a new instance of an "Author" model together with its related "Book" objects?
First, create a Author model form.
author_form = AuthorModelForm()
then create a dummy author object:
author = Author()
Then create a inline formset using the dummy author like so:
formset = BookFormSet(instance=author) #since author is empty, this formset will just be empty forms
Send that off to a template. After the data is returned back to the view, you create the Author:
author = AuthorModelForm(request.POST)
created_author = # in practice make sure it's valid first
Now hook the inline formset in with the newly created author and then save:
formset = BookFormSet(request.POST, instance=created_author) #again, make sure it's valid first
To have no checkboxes on new forms, do this is a template:
{% for form in formset.forms %}
{% for field in form %}
{% endfor %}
{% if %} {# empty forms do not have a pk #}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}