Can you perform multi-threaded tasks within Django?

ghz 1years ago ⋅ 6406 views


The sequence I would like to accomplish:

  1. A user clicks a button on a web page
  2. Some functions in start to run. For example, gathering some data by crawling the internet
  3. When the functions are finished, the results are returned to the user.

Should I open a new thread inside of to execute my functions? If so, how do I do this?


  1. Yes it can multi-thread, but generally one uses Celery to do the equivalent. You can read about how in the celery-django tutorial.
  2. It is rare that you actually want to force the user to wait for the website. While it's better than risks a timeout.

Here's an example of what you're describing.

User sends request
Django receives => spawns a thread to do something else.
main thread finishes && other thread finishes 
... (later upon completion of both tasks)
response is sent to user as a package.

Better way:

User sends request
Django receives => lets Celery know "hey! do this!"
main thread finishes
response is sent to user
user receives balance of transaction