Make VueJS and jQuery play nice

ghz 1years ago ⋅ 1535 views


This question is related/similar to Using intl-tel-input and vuejs2 together , which is still unanswered.

And VueJS Use prop as data-attribute value which has a solution, but explains a bit the "environment".

So, long story short, I am dynamically setting up a new bootstrap tab (Title and URL), and then trying to (re)bind some functionality using jQuery.

Adding the following line < remote-data/blob/master/js/bootstrap-remote-tabs.js#L258> in my Vue method will apply the functionality, but only if I trigger the change twice.

The same issue with the first (unanswered) question.

Could someone explain a bit how the things work between vueJS and jQuery ? And how to solve things, hopefully without needing to rewrite jQuery packages.

If I console.log my variables just seem one step behind.


I have prepared a Pen for the related mentioned issue:


The way to make Vue play nicely with other DOM-manipulating toolkits is to completely segregate them: if you are going to use jQuery to manipulate a DOM widget, you do not also use Vue on it (and vice-versa).

A wrapper component acts as a bridge, where Vue can interact with the component and the component can manipulate its internal DOM elements using jQuery (or whatever).

jQuery selectors outside of lifecycle hooks are a bad code smell. Your validatePhoneNumber uses a selector and a DOM-manipulating call, but you are using Vue to handle keydown events. You need to handle everything on this widget with jQuery. Don't use Vue to set its class or phone_number or handle its events. Those are all DOM manipulations. As I mentioned, if you wrap it in a component, you can pass props to the component and from those props you can use jQuery to set class and phone_number.