I have written a C# application that connects to an Oracle 10g database. Using Oracle Data Access Component 11.2 "ODAC", it works perfectly on my machine.
And now I want to deploy the application and install it in another "clean machine" that has the .NET Framework only! And I don't want to install the whole ODAC component to the user!
How could I do that? I have tried to include all the necessary DLL files to my bin folder, like:
- oci.dll
- ociw32.dll
- Oracle.DataAccess.dll
- orannzsbb11.dll
- oraocci11.dll
- oraociicus11.dll
- OraOps11w.dll
- msvcr71.dll
But still it didn't work. What should I do to solve this problem?
I'm not sure whether your concern is about having to install the Oracle client in addition to the ~50 MB ODAC install or just the standalone ODAC.
If the concern is about having to install the Oracle client and the ODAC, you can use the [Oracle Instant Client]( client/index-100365.html)? That's the smallest footprint method for installing the Oracle client. You'll also need the ODAC xcopy supplement.
If your concern is just the ODAC install, I don't think there is a smaller footprint available.